At JumpStart, creators of the Math Blaster Virtual World, we value creative expression in making our games the most exciting learning tools that they can be for kids. In that tradition, Jumpeez and Blasters are encouraged through regular play to create and customize their avatars as exciting extensions of themselves and their interests.
From hip hairstyles and fun facial features to clothing and other awesome accessories, how would you want to be able to customize your look? Get your voice heard in our game design process by submitting your answers to this latest poll question!
If given the chance to customize specific areas of your avatar’s body with custom cool parts or helpful extensions (i.e. tools, accessories, etc), which would interest you most? Explain your choice in the comments below.
a. Face (different shapes or themes)
b. Hair (from different colors and styles to more accessories)
c. Arms (tools, hooks, hammers, and more, for a hand)
d. Legs (different lengths, or sizing)
e. Do you have other cool customization ideas?
Do you have any ideas for how you would like to see these areas updated? Maybe you’ve always wanted a hammer as a hand to showcase your avatars strength or dreamed of having other cool gadgets to express yourself. Think big and let us know what you have in mind. Your insight and feedback is what makes JumpStart and Math Blaster fun and exciting worlds for kids.
Filed under: Behind the Scenes, Game, Technology and Kids Tagged: | customization, feedback, game design, Math Blaster
Hi math blaster,
i have a idea on new upgrades for the avatars. I think it would be fun to be able to fly, turn invisible, or other powers.
Hello Blaster! That is a great idea, and we will be sure to send it over to our team. In the meantime, keep on learning and having fun as you play Math Blaster! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
what if there where new planets to go the planets in the solar system and a planet with a destert and a jungle.And you could biuld your own space ship.And the blasters could float trough space.oh another thing i got through the window on math blaster and i was in space but i didnt float
Hello Emerald! Thank you very much for all of these great suggestions. We will be sure to send these ideas to our team for consideration. Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns!
And i was thinking of space helmets for blasters like blasternot. oh another thing my little brother loves those math blaster games on the cd’s
Hello Emerald! Thank you very much for these great suggestions. We will be sure to send these ideas to our team for consideration. We are also so glad that you brother loves Math Blaster! Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns!
but did some thing hapen to the gravity out side the ship
Hello Emerald! We’re sorry, but do you think you could give us a little more detail about your question? We want to help you as best as we can. Thank you, and we hope you continue to learn and have fun as you play Math Blaster!
on your blog in tis the season to be travleing i posted that i got through the window with help from a friend.It was fun.then i remembered in a book i read it said that you would float throgh space if you went there.i was wondering why i didnt float
Hello Blaster! The cool thing about the Intergalactic Space Station is that it runs on a special, top-secret gravity technology. Even the area in space immediately surrounding the space station helps all Blasters stay standing! Please let us know if you have any further questions, comments or concerns. Thank you!
my E-mail never showed up. now my son’s math blaster account won’t let him go any farther.keeps saying click to resend e-mail but nothing happens. how do I cancel this account and start a new one? or fix this one.the E-mail used was the account name is Dylan astrostrong
For further assistance, please contact our customer support team at They’ll help resolve this issue. Thank you.