Space Station Mysteries: Clue #2

It is Day #2 for the Math Blaster in-game scavenger hunt! Remember that answers for yesterday’s clue will not give you the chance to win the prize for today. Max has released the following clue for all of you Blasters to figure out. Good luck!

Tuesday’s Clue:
Rise in the ranks and get a head start, but use this item for more information — it’s really smart!

10 Responses

  1. I’m told it’s the B Pad!

    • Hello Blaster! Congratulations, you got the correct answer! Please comment back on this post with your log-in email address and the name of the “Kid” profile you use on your account, and we will give you your prize of 200 credits. Again, congratulations, and stay tuned for more!

    • Thank you for your prompt response. The next time you log-in to Math Blaster, you should find that your account has been awarded 200 credits. Great job with your submission and we hope you are enjoying this contest.

  2. Is it the bpad?

    • Hello Blaster! Congratulations, you got the correct answer! Please comment back on this post with your log-in email address and the name of the “Kid” profile you use on your account, and we will give you your prize of 200 credits. Again, congratulations, and stay tuned for more!

    • Thank you for your prompt response. The next time you log-in to Math Blaster, you should find that your account has been awarded 200 credits. Great job with your submission and we hope you are enjoying this contest.

  3. Brain!

    • Hello, Blaster! We’re sorry, but unfortunately,the correct answer is the bPad! However, there is no need to worry – you still have a few more chances to win the prize! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Thank you!

    • Hello Blaster! Congratulations, you got the correct answer! Please comment back on this post with your log-in email address and the name of the “Kid” profile you use on your account, and we will give you your prize of 200 credits. Again, congratulations, and stay tuned for more!

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