Kitchen Math: Trail Mix

Photo by Andy Melton, ©2007 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by Andy Melton, ©2007 Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

This edition of Kitchen Math helps your child understand adding fractions while making a healthy treat for snack time, road trips or the playground. The best part about making trail mix is that it is easily modified to fit your child’s preferences or allergy restrictions! Learn how to incorporate math into this easy, no-cook recipe that you can whip up in no time!

These are just a suggestion for a basic trail mix, you can substitute or omit whatever ingredients you or your child would prefer!
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup dried fruit, such as cranberries, mangoes, apricots, etc.
1/2 cup pepitas
1/2 cup pretzels
3/4 cup nuts (peanuts, cashews, almonds, etc.)
3/4 cup chocolate chips or chocolate candies

Combine these ingredients one at a time in a large bowl, asking your child to keep track of how many cups are in the bowl as you add each ingredient. Once all the ingredients have been added, stir the bowl, mixing well. You can store your trail mix in one large bag or several small baggies for easy grab-and-go snacking!
Feel free to increase or decrease the quantity of each of these items. Using different cup measurements (for example, 1/3 instead of 1/2) is a great way to make adding fractions more challenging!

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