Success in the New Year: Time Management

Photo by Dafne Cholet, ©2011. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by Dafne Cholet, ©2011. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

With New Year’s Resolutions abounding, the JumpStart and Math Blaster blogs are working together to help you put your 2015 goals in focus. Between the two, we cover everything from eating right and getting active to time management for work and school. Check out our Time Management tips below and then head over to the JumpStart blog to see our recommendations for living a healthy lifestyle!

Multitasking Moms and Dads, we applaud you. It’s hard enough to manage one person’s schedule and commitments, but add in soccer practice, play rehearsal and mealtimes and things can get out of control. We’ve got three simple tips for keeping your schedule in order and mind clear.

  • Give Time Some tasks require more time (and attention) than others. Pair longer tasks with shorter ones to keep you crossing things off your to-do list and on a roll. Help your child with homework, water the garden or sweep the floor in between cycles of laundry. At the end of the day, you’ll have clean towels in addition to everything else you’ve accomplished!
  • Make Time Sometimes, we tend to avoid starting projects unless we have a significant amount of time to dedicate to them. It may be preferable to start and finish a project in the same fell swoop, but we’ve been busy enough to know that’s not always possible. Too often, we put off these bigger tasks because large chunks of time don’t present themselves. Don’t be afraid to start a task like cleaning the house before Soccer Games on Saturday- even if you only finish the kitchen before it’s time to leave, the living room can wait until Sunday afternoon.
  • You Time It’s not selfish to take time for yourself! Don’t be afraid to take a nap or a walk at the park if the opportunity presents itself. Making time for yourself allows you to focus on your own needs and reassess your priorities for the week.

Head on over to the JumpStart Blog to see what recommendations we have for living a healthy lifestyle!

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