Kitchen Math: Cooking Pasta with Percentages

Photo by Brynn, ©2008. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Photo by Brynn, ©2008. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

Sometimes we just don’t have enough hours in the day to prepare an elaborate dinner. Thankfully, pasta has saved the day on nights like these. Filling and easy to prepare, pasta dishes are great for children with picky appetites because they’re so easy to modify to your child’s tastes. Pasta can also be a great way to make a well-balanced meal incorporating all the important food groups to keep your child healthy, even on a busy night.

In making a balanced meal, it’s also a great way to apply your child’s knowledge of percentages to cooking! Spread out the ingredients you plan to use with your pasta and have your child calculate the percentages that each food group accounts for in their meal.

60% Grain: Pasta is a carbohydrate heavy dish and there’s no way to avoid that. You can always substitute traditional pasta for whole-grain alternatives, which makes your carbohydrate intake much healthier.

30% Vegetables: Vegetables should be the next highest amount of nutrients in your dish. You can include a diverse selection of veggies to increase your pasta’s nutritional value, and brighten up your dish. Some great vegetable mix-ins to your pasta include red bell peppers (which are loaded in antioxidants and Vitamin C), mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes. You are by no means limited to your vegetable selection choice, and pasta works well with practically any vegetable your kid might love.

8% Protein: It’s always tempting to make a meat-filled pasta, but doing so is both unhealthy and time consuming. Instead, choose a white meat like chicken and add it sparingly to your dish.

2% Dairy: Your budding chef needs calcium to grow, so it’s always a good idea to add some dairy content to your pasta. The best way to do this is to add some fresh Parmesian to your finished product. Grate your cheese while you wait for your food to boil and then have your child sprinkle your fresh cheese on top of the dish. It’s fun, it adds some calcium, AND it gives your pasta a saltiness without the extra sodium.

Once your pasta has finished boiling and your sauce is heated, it’s time to add your mix-ins to the dish. Make sure to stir your mix-ins into the pasta thoroughly. Now that all the ingredients have been added, it’s time to sit down at the table and enjoy your pasta.

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