Happy St. Patrick’s Day from the I.S.P.!


Greetings Blasters! As you might know, today is St. Patrick’s Day! Here at Spaceport, we consider this the LUCKIEST day in the universe! We love this holiday so much, nothing puts us in a bad mood. Not even a mischievous Mutt or an impish alien! We hope your travels through the galaxy are just as lucky and legendary as our own! Maybe you will start raising a brand new larva or beat your Zapper high score. Comment below and tell us what great accomplishments you achieved in Math Blaster this week, no matter how big or small. Budurl.me/MBStPattysDay

Worksheet of the Week: Colorful Fractions


This week’s worksheet introduces us Blasters to the concept of fractions. Since fractions can be scary the first time you see them, this worksheet gives you a friendly opportunity to get more familiar with them. No hard math, just coloring! To get this free Worksheet of the Week, just click on the image and ask your parents for help printing it!

Life on the I.S.P.

Greetings Blasters! Max, here. Have you ever wondered what a typical day running the I.S.P. is like? Spaceport is such an enormous ship sailing through the galaxy. That means GC, Monty, and I have a lot of responsibilities to take care of on a daily basis. Since there are so many things going on everyday, I thought I might share my daily routine with you Blasters.

I should mention that on Spaceport we use a 24-hour clock, or “military time”. This means that instead of going back to 1at noon, we continue on to 13. You can convert military time to standard time simply by subtracting all hours after noon by 12. This means that 1300 hours would be 1:00pm. While reading my routine, try to convert the times from military to regular time!

0700 Hours:


Wake up time! My day begins with more rise and less shine, since there is no sunlight in space. Thankfully my handy alarm clock gives me that wake-up call to start my day. I immediate walk over to my Mutt Pod and check on my two adorable Mutts.

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Worksheet of the Week: Pricey Posts

We need to send some letters to our friends, but we do not know how many stamps we need! Can you see if we have enough stamps for each envelope to send to our pen pals? Ask your parents to help you download this FREE Worksheet of the Week and help us with our postage problems!

Reunite with Your Mutt at Shuttle Bay

Hey Blaster! Owen MolecularVoyager here to give you the latest scoop on Shuttle Bay. After putting so much time and care into raising my Mutt, I sure do get lonely now that he is all grown up and released. Thanks to Shuttle Bay though, I never have to wait too long before reuniting with a Blaster’s best friend-Wait, have you never been to Shuttle Bay? Let me tell you all about it! Shuttle Bay is the port on the right-hand side of the Mutt Training Center. Here you can visit all your old Mutts on their new home planets!
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Recycling Items for ‘Old Stuff Day’

Spring is officially less than three weeks away, which means it is time to toss out all those old unwanted items. Re-purposing some of your long-forgotten things can be a great way to take your spring cleaning efforts to the next level. Doing so also allows us to help the environment AND earn some extra cash to add t the family budget. In honor of Old Stuff Day, here are a few ways to turn those tattered old items in your garage into useful new household goods!

The Joy of Junk

Photo by Orin Zebest, ©2010. Some rights reserved. Licensed by Creative Commons Public Works License

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