The Math Blaster Space Station is always growing to add fun new activities for our brave Blasters! With all the new stuff we’ve added lately, we need your children’s opinion on which was the best. So we want to know what one they enjoy the most! Here’s a refresher of some of our favorites…
Do your children enjoy raising and training an adorable alien pet in the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome? Here, your children can teach it cool tricks to battle opponents, snatch some interesting items to earn top scores, and unleash their mutt’s unique, special and super powers!
Morph Madness is a favorite of the most creative and wacky Blasters! Collect the right ingredients to morph other Blasters into any crazy creature your children choose!
Your kids have to fire up those brains to blast through all 6 levels of this fun math game! In HyperBlast Training your children’s little cadets will have to navigate the treacherous path and outsmart the math monster as they train to join the Intergalactic Space Patrol.
Watch your kids race away from the ordinary in Galaxy Grand Prix! From building their own tracks to picking the perfect race pod, this racing game will get your children’s creative juices, and their competitive sides, going!
Or are your kids’ Blasters adventure-seekers, riding any alien creatures they come across? Only Math Blaster’s wildest cadets can keep their heads and answer enough math questions to earn a top score in Alien Wrangler!
What activity do your children like to do with their Blasters?
Filed under: Just for Fun Tagged: | Activities, Alien Wrangler, Galaxy Grand Prix, Games, HyperBlast, Monster Mutts, Morph Madness
my fav activity is playing with my mutt mutt in power play
muutt and jetccile
Jumpstart not to be mean. But I really don’t like the Monster mutts. I think if you use my “dizlelidon” it would be really cool.
hey math blaster i have a good idea u should let non members reaise thier larva fully grown just like members but stil have the other member ship things for members so what do think plz reply plz reply
Hi, Rebecca - Thanks for your suggestion! Max is always so excited to hear about new ideas from our blasters. Unfortunately, only members are able to raise their larva to fully grown monster mutts. We are, however, always working to make Math Blaster fun for both members and non-members so keep your ideas coming in! We really appreciate them.
no prop mathblaster maybye when im older ill become a game enginre and work for math blaster
Hi Rebecca! We are thrilled to hear that you’re interested in working with us here at Math Blaster, one day! I’m sure Max would love working with you and hearing all your great ideas. Thanks for playing!
i ilke rebeccas idia
My favoerit activity is…MONSTERMUTTS!and won more tingn why cant we choose the colers for the mutt in the incubater?
I’m so tired of the Just For Fun posts. Can we have a design the next monster mutt contest?
Hi Sienna! We are sorry to hear you aren’t liking some of our posts, but we really appreciate your suggestions for the blog! Unfortunately, Max has a few more things he wants to share before he hosts a new contest. Keep on playing and we’ll keep you updated on any upcoming contest news! Thanks!
i love monster mutts because of the CUTEgrubble
Dear MathBlaster, My MonsterMut is not growing. I did 3 days of Doge and dash and Super Power. My mut knows all the tricks. She never did a Face Off becase no one wants to play. She is still not Growing I even did 1 extra Doge and Dash/Super power traning. My mut is an Icasor. Plesae help!
Hi Alexandra! In order for your Monster Mutt to mature into a full adult, your icasor will have to first become a face off champion. Be sure to check back often for challengers! If your monster mutt still isn’t growing after you win a face-off battle, let us know! Thanks for letting us know what’s going on. Max really likes getting updates on our blasters!
Hi! We are so sorry you feel this way. Max and the rest of the Math Blaster team would love to know what it is you don’t like about Monster Mutts. We appreciate your feedback to help make Math Blaster enjoyable for all our players.
my favorite is alien wrangler