Game of the Week: Zapper

MBGoTW-ZapperWhere do the top Cadets of the ISP get their training for Red Alert Missions? At the Zapper simulator in the Math Academy! This special game allows you to experience what it is like in sitting in the cockpit during a Red Alert Mission and using your math skills to help destroy incoming asteroids that could potentially harm our ship! If you want to become as sharp as Max and GC are when they fly through the galaxy, then we highly recommend getting started on this Game of the Week mission!

Worksheet of the Week: Calculate the Surface Area


Attention all 7th Grade Blasters: are you struggling with your surface area homework? Our Worksheet of the Week has you covered. Max put together FIVE problems covering one of the most grueling subjects in geometry so you can get some extra assistance. Think you are ready for the challenge? Download and print our Worksheet of the Week at the link below!

Worksheet of the Week: Equivalent Fractions

equivalent-fractions-1Looking to boost your Bolt Cruncher scores? Max came up with the perfect set up problems to help you get a better understanding of simplifying fractions in this week’s worksheet. To start practicing, print and download our Worksheet of the Week by clicking on the image. Afterwards, head to the Math Academy and put your fraction skills to the test!

New JumpStart Game - Magic & Mythies!

The ALL-NEW Magic & Mythies mobile app has JUST arrived so you can take your JumpStart Mythie Training experience to a whole new galaxy! Gear up for this exciting JumpStart adventure, and then download our new app on iOS and Google Play:!

In Magic & Mythies, the residents of Terra need help protecting their magical home. Through your studies at the Tree of Wisdom, learn how to harness the powers of nature to help take on the evil forces sweeping through this world.

Some key game features include:
-Racing Mythies at Skytracks
-Busting the treacherous Shadow Punks and Brambles
-Creating magical potions
-Farming various crops and raising animals
-Building an everlasting bond with your favorite Mythies

Are you ready to rise to the challenge and join the League of Mages? Head to the App Store to download JumpStart: Magic & Mythies on iOS:

Worksheet of the Week: Proportions and Rates

proportions-and-ratesMax knows how pesky it can be to tackle proportions and rate problems. To help you with your own math adventures in school, he designed 20 special questions focused on these topics. That way, you will stay extra sharp no matter what wild curve ball is thrown at you in the classroom or up in space! Download our Worksheet of the Week at the link below to get started!

Track Your Progress in Monty’s “Back to the Academy” Challenge

“Hi Blasters, Monty reporting live from the Spaceport! I have had a really great idea for an exciting activity that I could not wait to share with you all! I understand that starting off a new school year can be really stressful, so I wanted to make sure you were all settled into your new classes before I got started on this challenge!
MB-Blog-BackToSchoolEvery year, I am always amazed how much you Blasters improve and excel in your Math Academy games. That is why I thought it might be fun for us to track how much we improved in some of our favorite games over the school year! As you have noticed with our Games of the Week, the Math Academy has games covering a wide variety of topics from geometry to arithmetic.

To help us all improve our math skills, I would like it if each one of you selected THREE games focusing on a different math topic and then monitored your improvement over the school year! That way, we can be at are sharpest when we defend the galaxy from some of our evil nemeses. Also, you will really be able to see just how far a bit of practice and studying can go in improving your skills as a top-notch Cadet.

Are you ready to join me in this challenge? Play some of our Math Academy games, then share with your friends which games you plan to focus on during this school year!”

Game of the Week: Risk-It

MBGoTW-RiskIt2With a summer’s worth of Math Academy practice under your belt, it is time to put your new math skills to the test! Where else can you show off your mathematical genius better than in Risk-It? In this game, you can use your knowledge to answer questions about various math topics and earn BIG rewards! However, there is one catch. If you happen to get a question incorrect and you risk too many Credits, all of your new points will be lost! That just means you have to be extra confident with each answer you give. So do you think you are up for the challenge? Head in to Risk-It and play the measurement category for this week’s Blaster Mission!


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