Download the NEW Math Blaster Mobile App Today!

Greetings Blasters! Math Blaster has arrived to MOBILE! Do you miss playing all your favorite Math Academy games when you have to step away from your computer?

MB Mobile Launch-cThe International Spaceport is now boarding from ALL mobile devices so there is no need to part ways with your Monster Mutt or miss out on a super urgent Red Alert mission. Our mobile app allows you to continue playing your favorite Math Blaster activities wherever you go! Download it today at:

Game of the Week: Rollerball Rally

MBGoTW-RollerballRallyOnce again, Spaceport is in need of some extra energy to keep our games powered up. You can help out Max with this important Spaceport mission by heading to Rollerball Rally at Fitness Training. In this game, you will be transported off to Planet Blizzard and collect the energy sources that our ship requires to fly through the galaxy.

Now that you have completed levels 1-4, try challenging yourself to collect even more energy sources in levels 5-8 in our Game of the Week. For your hard work, you can receive Credits to buy items in your Pod AND gain extra points to help you rise through the I.S.P.’s ranks!

Take a Look at These 4 Impressive Pods

“Hi Blasters! Max and GC are reporting LIVE from our monthly Pod Tours! If you have not been keeping tabs on this special monthly event, Pod Tours are when we travel throughout the Spaceport and check out some of the coolest, most uniquely designed rooms that we encounter. This is one of our favorite times of the month, as we always see such great spaces that really show your awesome creativity! Take a look below at our top picks for the month!

Max’s Picks:

Ashley NeonLaser
1Sometimes, it can be a challenge for Blasters to really use the most of their Pod space. There are so many things you can buy at the store, but it feels like there is just too little space to place all of your favorite things! Ashley really seems to understand the flow of her Pod and made a layout that allowed for her to section off a special place for her living room. Such an eye for functionality is truly a game changer when it comes to our Pod Tour picks. We salute you, Ashley!

James ZanyZodiac
2While James may be one zany Blaster, his taste in design is very simple and sophisticated. This Pod keeps its style classy and clean. At the same time, I appreciate his consistency in color choice, as this orange and neon blue Pod brings a splash of the future to an overall timeless style.

GC’s Picks:

Emma CosmicSatellite:
3If there is one color we love here at Spaceport, it is that wonderful slime green. As you may have experienced while exploring the Math Academy, this green is the same color as the bubbling, oozing slime of Oozami. For a Blaster to choose such a color scheme in decorating is a bold, yet fitting tribute to this thrilling game. I also appreciate the blend of the future decorations with the traditional. Emma was able to put in a very rustic bed, yet it does not look slightly out of place with her more hi-tech furniture.

Tom GemEarth:
4We can admit it is a challenge bringing a sense of coziness to your Pod, especially with so many futuristic options in our store. However, Tom totally pulled this off and brought his Pod back down to earth. The warmth coming from his design would make even the most homesick Blaster feel at ease.

Well, that is it for August’s Pod Tours! We hope you appreciated looking at these awesome Blaster Pods as much as we did! With some of these rooms, did you strike up inspiration for decorating your own Pod? Which of these Pods did you like the most? Discuss our picks in the comments below, and if you are feeling particularly confident about your own Pod designs make sure to send them our way! We will definitely keep them in mind for our September Pod Tours!

Game of the Week: B-Force Blaster

MBGoTW-BForceBlasterSpaceport is always on high alert for potential intruders, which is why we have such a skilled group of Blasters in the I.S.P. One of the best ways to prepare for our sudden Red Alerts is by going out into the training field in B-Force Blaster. While cruising through this course, you will have to keep a sharp eye out for targets displaying some of the infamous Spaceport villains, as well as any colored targets you might find. Special tip: shoot any moving rocks for an extra 300 points each!

Are you feeling ready to take to training on the Red Planet? Head into B-Force Blaster at the Math Academy and start on our Blaster Mission! Once you have completed it, share with us your best score!

Worksheet of the Week: Long and Short Percentages

Have you begun learning about percentages in your math classes? We know they can be such a stressful topic to start learning about! To help you feel more comfortable with this tricky concept, the team at Spaceport put together a list of word problems that deal with percentages, proportions, and pricing! See how well you can apply your percentage knowledge by completing this Worksheeet of the Week, then work with a peer to learn how to answer some of the tougher questions:

Use Ratios to Help with Our Spaceport Census!

“Blasters, we walked into the Larva Den this morning and discovered a bunch of brand-new Larva pals that we had never seen before. As part of our annual Census, we like to keep track of just how many different kinds of larva we have on the ship at any given moment. With this information, we can use ratios to learn interesting facts about our space friends. So just what are ratios? Ratios are statements that tell us how sets of numbers compare. So if we had 3 green larvae and 9 pink larvae, which would give us a ratio of 3:9 larvae, or 1:3 if, we simplify it. That would mean for every green larva aboard our ship, we would have approximately 3 pink larvae!


Now we can put this handy knowledge into use as we conduct our annual Larva Spaceport Census! Using our high-resolution image of the Spaceport’s larva population, count the total number of our little friends. Then, let us break that number down by color. Can you tell us how many we have of each color?

With our scientific data of the ship’s larva population, we can create our very first ratio! Let’s start by making a ratio comparing all of the different colors! Once you have mastered that, make smaller ratios that compare each color with a different color.

Ratios not only help us compare numbers, but they can allow us to better predict outcomes in the future! Say that we returned back to the Larva Den tomorrow morning and discovered that the amount of green larvae had doubled! Using the power of ratios, we can find out approximately how many yellow larvae we might be able to expect to see in the Larva Den as well! To do this, multiply the number of pink larvae by 2.

Were you able to predict how many pink larvae there would be? Use this knowledge of rations to let us know the answer in the comments!

Game of the Week: Hyperblast

MBGoTW-Hyperblast2If you have never had the chance to check out Hyperblast yet, make sure to strap yourself in for a speedy ride. Hyperblast allows you to explore one of the most thrilling parts of the galaxy: a vortex where you travel at fast speeds to stop evildoing aliens with your excellent math skills. This week, GC and Max have awarded this speedy tunnel in Spaceport as the Game of the Week! Do you think you can use your multiplication knowledge to help make the galaxy a safer place? Join the other Cadets at Spaceport and start playing:


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