Coming Soon: Invite Friends To Blast Along!

Tired of being the talk of the universe? Let your kids give their friend’s a shot by inviting them to join in on all the intergalactic missions and extraterrestrial excitement. When this new feature lands, your kids and their best blaster buddies can play all of the learning games together and compete for top score. One kid having fun plus one kid learning math equals a win-win for you! Even more, your kid will get some credits just for inviting their friends and getting them to join in on the blasting fun. Learning and earning, it doesn’t get much sweeter than that!

Just fill out this simple and convenient form to send an invite!

Let your kids start racing their friends in Galaxy Grand Prix or HyperBlast today by sending out an invite! A little friendly competition might be just what they need to keep up with their math training. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Tell Us Your Children’s Favorite Activity!

The Math Blaster Space Station is always growing to add fun new activities for our brave Blasters! With all the new stuff we’ve added lately, we need your children’s opinion on which was the best. So we want to know what one they enjoy the most! Here’s a refresher of some of our favorites…

Do your children enjoy raising and training an adorable alien pet in the Monster Mutt Rescue Dome? Here, your children can teach it cool tricks to battle opponents, snatch some interesting items to earn top scores, and unleash their mutt’s unique, special and super powers!

Monster Mutts

Morph Madness is a favorite of the most creative and wacky Blasters! Collect the right ingredients to morph other Blasters into any crazy creature your children choose!

Morph Madness

Your kids have to fire up those brains to blast through all 6 levels of this fun math game! In HyperBlast Training your children’s little cadets will have to navigate the treacherous path and outsmart the math monster as they train to join the Intergalactic Space Patrol.

HyperBlast Training

Watch your kids race away from the ordinary in Galaxy Grand Prix! From building their own tracks to picking the perfect race pod, this racing game will get your children’s creative juices, and their competitive sides, going!

Galaxy Grand Prix

Or are your kids’ Blasters adventure-seekers, riding any alien creatures they come across? Only Math Blaster’s wildest cadets can keep their heads and answer enough math questions to earn a top score in Alien Wrangler!

Alien Wrangler

What activity do your children like to do with their Blasters?

Advance Up the Ranks!

Does your kid know that ranks in Math Blaster actually mean something? Aside from an awesome uniform upgrade, your kid’s blaster will also receive tangible honors.

Upgraded Uniform

Blasters receive an upgraded uniform when they are awarded with a higher rank by Max!

Before we get into that, let’s talk about what a rank is. Ranks are different levels inside of Math Blaster that help to determine how much a blaster has accomplished. For example, if your kid loves trying new games, then they will have ample opportunity to earn new merits. Math Blaster is always growing in its number of games. We currently have two new games in so please encourage your kids to check out RollerBall Rally and Monster Morph. Not only will they receive merits for their hard-earned work, but they will also have a ball racking them up! Merits are needed to advance to the next rank. The more merits your kid earns, the easier it will be for them to progress.

Rank Board

Information on your kid’s current rank is located in the bPad. They can find out how many more merits are needed to reach the next rank.

There are more perks to having a higher rank. If your kid loves the super cool rides in Galaxy Grand Prix, then they will be excited to know that more vehicle options will be available to them as their rank improves! That way they can leave other cadets in the dust inside of the “vs.” challenge!

Galaxy Grand Prix

More ride options are available in Galaxy Grand Prix for cadets who have higher ranks.

The perks to Ranks are endless. They provide blasters with “brag-worthy” accomplishments, new vehicles, and an updated uniform. No room to argue there! What is your child’s current rank?

Monster Morph is Here!

Update: Monster Morph is now called Morph Madness.

Calling all creative Blasters! Have your kids ever wanted to create something of their own to share in the Intergalactic world? If so, then they will enjoy our newest addition, Monster Morph! In this game, cadets will become Math Blaster scientists by mixing the right chemicals to create morphs!

Blasters can enter the Morph Lab to learn more about how to create a morph.

Learn more about Monster Morph!

Playing with Friends is More Fun!

Do your kids like learning and playing with friends? Two of Math Blaster’s fun games, Galaxy Grand Prix and B-Force Blaster, can be played head-to-head! Your kids can challenge their friends to the highest score or fastest time in these exciting games.

In Galaxy Grand Prix, your kids can join a race against other players, start their own race, or race against BFFs! Your kids can choose the car they want and then are off racing through the galaxy! Whoever finishes with the shortest time wins the match!

Your kids can choose their favorite spaceship to race with!

Read more about playing head-to-head!

The Best Galaxy Grand Prix Tracks Built By Blasters!

Most of your kids are familiar with the game Galaxy Grand Prix, the fastest galactic racing game ever! Your kids are able to race and rate tracks created by their fellow Blasters, and the Blasters have wisely chosen the top three tracks. Did you know that your kids can see the top-rated tracks at any time?

Find Out Which Tracks Were The Best!

What is Your Favorite Math Blaster Game?

The spaceship engineers at Math Blaster have been working hard to bring a variety of fun and exciting math games to the Blasters! Here is a list of what they have accomplished so far.

Galaxy Grand Prix: Your kids can build their own racetrack or race on a premade track in this exciting racing game. They can even play head-to-head against a buddy!

How fast can your Blaster go?

Click to see the rest of Math Blaster’s games!


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